
Around the World with Picture Books

Have you ever wondered what explorers of Antarctica eat for breakfast? Or what Westerners thought the very first time they ever saw a tiger in India? Or how elephants on the African plains get water to drink to survive a drought? Elementary school is a time of wonder, and your kids will have their curiosity piqued in this course. Come with us and get to know the peoples, cultures and animals of the earth in the geographies where they dwell. With excellent picture books as our guides, we will embark on a world tour, visiting Asia, Antarctica, Australia and Africa this fall, and Europe and South America in the spring. Hand crafts, literary analysis and art will help us familiarize ourselves with places we study. Each week will include geographical instruction, beautiful picture books read aloud, and hands-on projects to apply the lesson. Students will leave with work samples to satisfy their charter school’s Social Studies requirements. This is a nonsectarian course adapted for our classes from award winning curriculum publishers Beautiful Feet Books and is best for K-3 but is engaging for all elementary grades.

Spanish Immersion Through Picture Books

In the diverse context of our city, our kids are surrounded by many languages in their community. Give them an opportunity to know their neighbors by immersing themselves in their language. In this course, we will dive fully into Spanish through easy to understand picture books, which will teach our kids to comprehend and use key phrases. The teacher will speak only in Spanish throughout the class to model the use of various vocabulary words from the books. In this way, vocabulary will be learned in the context of memorable and fun literature, and the language will be solidified using games and songs. Parents can reinforce the lessons by reading the books at home or through teacher recommended videos. Content is non-religious. Best for learners of all ages especially preschool through middle school, no previous Spanish language learning necessary.

Spanish A 10:10am

Spanish B 11:20am

Seasons Afield: Natural Science

The natural world is full of delightful, surprising revelations waiting to be discovered and explored. In this approachable yet rigorous course in natural science, your elementary student will engage in the science of the seasons. Learn how to forage, how to preserve, what makes the leaves change colors, and where the animals go when it snows. Be outside with us, reading books about the outside world, and learning how to understand it better. With a curated booklist from award winning curriculum publishers Beautiful Feet Books, this nonsectarian course takes students on a stunning walk through a year of seasons. Just because you live in Los Angeles does not mean that you have to miss out on the drama of the changing of the seasons through the year! Watercoloring, hand crafts, nature journaling, and science projects utilizing the scientific method will make the content memorable! Students will leave each lesson with work samples to satisfy their charter school’s Science requirements. This course is best for readers-3rd grade, suitable for all elementary grades. 

Introduction to Shakespeare (A)

Who is the most influential English author in the last 500 years? It is almost unobjectionable that the answer is the Bard of Avon, William Shakespeare. As we seek to give our children the best in our homeschool, we do well to introduce them to Shakespeare at a young age. Not only is his language high and beautiful but his contribution to literature is unmatched. Our common archetypes of characters, our figures of speech, our understanding of comedy and drama and tragedy all trace back to Shakespeare. Using Ken Ludwig’s tried and true method, students will be introduced to many of the most beloved passages and plays written by Shakespeare. Through memory work we will internalize the passages, becoming familiar with the main themes of the plays and some of the Western world’s most known and beloved characters. Students will grow in confidence as they perform passages, explain plots, and practice improvisation and basic theater arts. They will also participate in oral and written literary analysis, which, along with copywork, will provide charter school students with Language Arts work samples appropriate for all elementary grades. The content of this course is non sectarian and while it is accessible for all ages, children who are reading on their own will get the most out of it. 


All prices reflect enrollment in 1 class per child. Our semester pricing already factors in an occasional missed class. If you know ahead of time that you will not be able to attend regularly, we suggest paying per class.

We can receive charter school funds or payment through Zelle / check.

Pay per class

Pay for semester
10% off

Pro-rated enrollment at -10%/class when you pay for the rest of the semester!